tony stark walking was funny as all hell tho u should have sai sumthing about sam jackson bieng nick furry cause that bull shit
nice work tho
tony stark walking was funny as all hell tho u should have sai sumthing about sam jackson bieng nick furry cause that bull shit
nice work tho
keep up the good work
interesting concept ( mario with a machine gun ) hopefully youll make something alittle longer with more story? for your next one but definalty a good first attempt
not bad
the art was cool the text moved alittle fast but im also sleepy
but the music i love msi but that song didnt fit you should use somthing instumental ( no vocals) so the people watching are paying attention to the story infront of themn insted of listening to little jimi urine
but thats just my 2 cents
but one thing how could any one think 50 cent lossing everything and having to wash windows on the street is a bad thing ?
i mean granted magic crack would have much more sever side effects on the world but realy it might just be worth it to see 50 go down lol
nice work
Hopefully the allure of "street nigga" lifestyle will lose everything and die period. If it takes 50 goin' broke to get my people out of the shadow of white society, hell, give 'em a windshield wiper. 50 cent and all the rest of these gangster rappers aren't any less BLIND than those irritating, annoying rock and roll/country/oldie rock(whatever) punks who the white people are listening to. Oops, I've gone off on a tangent... Thanks for your review! ^_^;;
to the moron below
bill and ted sexcelnt adventure /bogus journey came out long before the decline of video gaming so thus the robot usses were in bogus journey
as for the flash killer flash bill and ted are always most excelent
killer flash (no pun intended)
the song was great and the animation realy captured the mood
excelent job
i respect the fact you belive in this i do truely
but you are in making this forcing your crap down others throats it should be blamed for the pure sake its like an ad campigne for the christan way fuck that you know what i belive ? belive in what ever you want just dont go around shoving it in others face let others belive in what they will. do you know how many loop holes there are in the bible and did you know if you pierce your ears its a sin self mutilation o and science shoots down the bible 100000times out of 100000 live life for your self not some protoplasmic bieng
Did any one force you to watch this!? No! I didn't think so. I am only showing you what happens when you sin.Yes what you mentioned those are sins. God Bles You son!
neet consept
keep up the good work
how could you even think of destroying
sutch a kick ass song u should go die now and never make a shitty flash that destroys excelnt music agian
you need not thank lucas for he is a tratior
he has turned to the dark side ewww jar jar must die
any way excelent movie o btw nice rhode island insert bieng from ri im used to people asking me if thats in europe (morons)
coffe milk w007
3rd shift slaker
Rhode Island
Joined on 3/6/04